Real Estate Books: Get Insights from Industry Experts Canada’s premier magazine for real estate professionals. Thu, 14 Mar 2024 22:12:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Real Estate Books: Get Insights from Industry Experts 32 32 A deep dive into Toronto’s condominium market: Get informed and help your business Tue, 30 Jan 2024 05:01:58 +0000 From historic origins to modern high-rises, gain insights on the evolution, legislation and future trends shaping Toronto's condominium landscape

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Being a successful agent in a competitive market takes work — there’s no question you must deliver value to your clients and stand out among the crowd.

A simple way to do this is to become better informed about the area and product you’re selling. And if that happens to be condominiums in Toronto, Fusioncorp Developments’ CEO and co-founder, Nick Ainis, can help.

Backed by detailed research, Ainis’ book, Building Toronto’s Skyline, is a 10-chapter story of how Toronto’s iconic residential towers evolved — from their early late 19th-century start to today’s modern high-rise buildings. The book, written with Charlie M. Wordsworth, launched last fall.

“In modern-day Toronto, so many people reside in apartments or condos that it’s difficult to imagine a time when renting a small area of a larger building was an unconventional, even shocking, way of life. Incredibly, Toronto was an anomaly in North America before 1899 because there were no purpose-built apartment buildings in the city.”


– Nick Ainis




When asked about his inspiration for the book, Ainis told REM it comes from “a love of what I do, and a genuine curiosity with history and the evolution of the condominium industry in Toronto. I was really interested in seeing the development and evolution of the condominium industry through the decades.”

In fact, Ainis is fascinated by the history of condominiums all the way from antiquity with the Romans to today. This includes the North American legislation being introduced and the many social and economic factors and initiatives, like Ontario’s protected Greenbelt area.


What you’ll learn


Building Toronto’s Skyline discusses the boarding houses and low-rise apartments built early on in fast-growing urban areas as an affordable way to house working-class families. It goes on with information about high-rise condominiums being introduced during the mid-20th century, when developers tried out new construction techniques and building materials.

“Improved technology in construction, metallurgy and an increased abundance of resources has led to a drastic decrease in the cost of building high rises in Toronto. Laws such as the Greenbelt Act of 2005 have also limited the space available for building, motivating developers to take on the risk of building high rises to squeeze the most amount of profit out of their available space. Most of the tallest condominiums seen in Toronto today are a project of the past 20 years of growth in the industry.”


– Nick Ainis


Ainis describes the book as “a must-read for anyone interested in Toronto’s history and its evolution to today’s modern city.” It comments on:

  • The benefits and downsides of condominiums vs apartment buildings
  • How population changes, demographics and economic development changed the housing market
  • The origins of condominiums from Rome to the first modern condominiums
  • Key legislation influencing the propagation of condominiums
  • Condominium beginnings in Toronto to its current explosive growth
  • Various architectural styles of condominiums
  • The future of condominiums: how they’ll look and the needs they’ll serve for future generations


The takeaway


As for the book’s biggest takeaway, Ainis says real estate professionals must have an understanding of what’s happening now to know what the future should hold:

“We have to study the trends to predict where we go in the future; to answer the hot questions of today including affordable housing and the housing crisis. We must look at history and the socioeconomic trends of the past to predict, meet and solve our current, present and future needs.”


– Nick Ainis


Building Toronto’s Skyline is available on Amazon in print, Kindle and audible editions.


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Sharon Mason’s tales from the real estate trenches Tue, 12 Apr 2022 04:00:19 +0000 For decades, Sharon Mason’s friends have been urging her to write a book. “At my age, I thought I’d better get on it,” says the energetic and youthful 79-year-old Realtor with HomeLife Benchmark Titus Realty in Surrey, B.C.

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For decades, Sharon Mason’s friends have been urging her to write a book. But about 18 months ago, a client she has known since 1984 raised the question again: When are you going to write that book?

“At my age, I thought I’d better get on it,” says the energetic and youthful 79-year-old Realtor with HomeLife Benchmark Titus Realty in Surrey, B.C.

“My mind raced and my fingers flew. It took me six weeks to write. (The words) came flying out of my brain and fingers. I have so much to say and so much to teach.”

No ghost writers were involved – Mason wrote the book herself, knowing exactly which stories and lessons learned that she wanted to share.

For the Love of Real Estate – Tales from the Trenches – was launched on March 21. That day it was the No. 1 best seller on Amazon in four categories (three real estate and investment categories and the fourth for “mover and shaker”.)

“I’m a mover and shaker now,” Mason laughs.

The book was professionally edited and designed, and award-winning actor, producer and director Jason Priestley of Beverley Hills 90210 and Private Eyes fame penned his mother a special forward.

Priestley’s publicist handled the publicity and Mason has already made numerous appearances, including on BNN Bloomberg. “It’s been an amazing experience,” Mason says.

Mason asked her real estate manager to read it. The manager said, “Every real estate brokerage should have your book. It should be mandatory reading for every new Realtor. You teach so much by taking (readers) into the scenarios.”

New agents will appreciate that For the Love of Real Estate – Tales from the Trenches is not a dry, to-be-dreaded real estate lesson book. It’s presented in Mason’s conversational style. She says readers tell her it’s a fun read and share that they learn a lot from it. The book is great for new real estate professionals, the not-so-new who can relate to her tales, and for the public.

“People have no idea what Realtors do. They think we have open houses and make lots of money,” Mason says. “The book raises the value of what we do and helps the real estate community as a whole.”

She says people need to know the true story about real estate agents, not the misunderstood greedy, pushy and insensitive version that TV and film often portray.

Mason’s own story is inspirational, to those in the business and not. She got her real estate licence at the age of 40, wanting a career where she could “help lots of people and change the finances of her family.”

Her strong work ethic (a family trait), problem-solving ability and varied background has paid off. When she was young, Mason was a member of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and performed for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. She has worked in the entertainment business as a teacher and is a mother and grandmother. She says those different roles helped her develop the all-important-for-real-estate people skills.

She encourages people to be “a good student of their own life. Everything is a lesson.”

Her lesson learned: she was meant to be an entrepreneur.

Her book, which includes personal stories (names have been changed to protect the innocent, she jokes), talks about everything from what it’s like to be a new Realtor and how to get off the ground, to an important section about estate sales.

The chapters are peppered with stories like this one: From the time she first visited, Ernie the dog loved Mason, even running when he heard her voice on the answering machine. The dog’s owners later told her that Ernie’s approval was one of the reasons they listed with her.

Mason’s is a family legacy story. Her father, Lorrie Kirk, got his real estate licence in 1948. He was entrepreneurial and had his own business after he served in the navy during the Second World War. He was drawn to real estate when he learned how much he could help people, Mason says. “He was a mover and a shaker.”

In the 1950s, she says Kirk and his business partner proposed the real estate act concept “to the provincial government and helped to craft it. Of course it was written by lawyers but they got the ball rolling. My dad’s partner,  J. Donald Smith, was a cabinet minister in the W.A.C. Bennett Social Credit government at that time in the 1950s and so he was able to introduce it to B.C.”

Kirk was also in the University of British Columbia’s first FRI graduating class.

Mason says her father would talk about what he was doing and show her houses, but she wasn’t interested in real estate until middle life. But all that he taught her was stored in her brain. Choosing real estate didn’t come out of the blue.

The international award-winning Realtor, who works with her husband and real estate partner Al Mason, says she’s more successful than she thought she would be.

Mason’s daughter, Justine Priestley, got her licence last year. In the testimonials, she writes “While my mom was writing this book (during a recent pandemic lockdown) in a mere six weeks, I said to her, ‘I think you are writing the book for me Mummy.’ I was, at that time, studying to get my real estate licence. I now realize that this book is for everyone. Whether you are interested in real estate or not, this book will entertain you and while you’re laughing, teach you about relationships, about leading with love and about BEING in the world.”

Mason says her son Jason is more like her – his nose to the grindstone. He’s been married to Naomi for 17 years and she says he’s a good father to his children, 14 and 12. “He’s a nice guy with a great reputation. He hasn’t gone Hollywood,” she says.

The ebook version of For the Love of Real Estate – Tales from the Trenches, will be available shortly. An audio book is in the works, with Mason, a voice actor, narrating it herself. She says, “Reading the book to myself was hilarious.”

As for the book, she says, “It was easy to write. I’m very articulate. I’m not afraid to express what I want to express.” She says the message “poured out from the universe. It just came to me.”

And the universe speaks again. She has already started her second book – more tales from more trenches.

To buy a copy of For the Love of Real Estate – Tales from the Trenches, visit this link.

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A recommendation from a Realtor: Mindset by Carol Dweck Fri, 11 Feb 2022 05:00:05 +0000 I recently read a book called Mindset by Carol Dweck. She is a Stanford University psychologist and she came up with a really interesting way of thinking of how we learn.

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I recently read a book called Mindset by Carol Dweck. She is a Stanford University psychologist and she came up with a really interesting way of thinking of how we learn.

When we take on new activities, when we try to learn new skills or when we are thrust into different new situations, which is pretty much all the time now as technology is constantly changing, the world becomes  kind of a crazy place. The more flexible that we can be, the more we learn, the better our life is going to be.

This is a great book about opening up your horizons and helping you to believe in yourself when you are learning new skills. Highly recommended! Check out the video for more.

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Kathleen Black plans virtual book launch event for Relentless to Rise Thu, 14 Oct 2021 04:00:46 +0000 Relentless to Rise: Powering Your Life From the Inside-Out is a new book by Kathleen Black that she says will show you how to unearth the gifts you are destined to share with the world.

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Have you ever felt fearful that you will never get ahead, to live your destined life? Relentless to Rise: Powering Your Life From the Inside-Out is a new book by Kathleen Black that she says will show you how to unearth the gifts you are destined to share with the world.

“This book is my chance to expand on my journey. It was a hard book to write. A lot of things have happened to me in my life, but those things are not who I am. If we choose to talk about the things that have happened to us in our lives, it allows us to show up and support the people who are willing and ready to overcome their fears,” says Black.

Black is the CEO of a performance-based team coaching and training platform. She is also the author of The Top 1% Life, which “will help you to super charge into the fierce CEO of your life,” the company says.

Relentless to Rise: Powering Your Life From the Inside-Out is the story of her journey to define herself and create the resources necessary to carve out a full and adventurous life.

A virtual book launch is planned for October 20, 2021, at 7 p.m. EST

for the print version of Relentless to Rise. The event will include special guests and gifts. For more information, visit this Facebook page or click on the Zoom link.

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The unrealized potential of the CMA Fri, 24 Sep 2021 04:00:00 +0000 The book helps agents take the guesswork out of pricing and valuing homes, de-mystifies data storytelling, informs on how to use data visualizations to achieve an edge on sales and breaks down the anatomy of a CMA.

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At first blush, The Art of the CMA: Win Hearts, Minds, and Loyalty by Mastering Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool – a 2020 book by Greg Robertson, a 28-year veteran of the real estate technology industry, along with content marketer Charles Warnock –  may seem to many agents and brokers as a book about the obvious. Many may even question the need for a 250-page book about the comparative market analysis.

The Art of the CMA: Win Hearts, Minds, and Loyalty by Mastering Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool

The Art of the CMA: Win Hearts, Minds, and Loyalty by Mastering Real Estate’s Most Versatile Tool

But Robertson says that what we know about CMAs is the tip of the iceberg and “that a lot of people have underestimated what a CMA could do for their (real estate) business.” As co-founder of W+R Studios, a U.S.-based tech company focussed on creating software for CMA technology, Robertson has had many conversations with agents over the years.  During this time, he has mined creative ways in which CMAs can be re-used. He has concluded that CMAs have an unrealized potential that goes beyond just a primary comps report used by selling agents. “I thought there’s a story there. There’s something that a lot of agents can learn from,” he says.

The book is Robertson’s first foray into authorship and like many debuting writers, it’s about what he knows best. With catchy chapter titles, the book is laid out with a plethora of whys and how-tos of the CMA through easy-to-read page-turners, replete with bullet points, charts, snappily titled section-breaks, examples of Robertson’s anecdotal encounters in the real estate industry and end-of-chapter summaries. As such, his book is no different than other business books that follow the same content marketing-informed formula.

But what’s worth reading are the wealth of evidence-based insights Robertson compiles for new and veteran agents alike, who are becoming increasingly wary of            competing with prop tech, Zestimates and ibuyers taking over the home selling process.

“The book is a blueprint on engagement with the lifeblood of an agent’s career – the consumer. The book gives you the strategy and mindset to do more with the information and tools already at your fingertips. Read it. Mark it up and read it again. You won’t be disappointed,” reviewed one reader.

The book helps agents take the guesswork out of pricing and valuing homes, de-mystifies data storytelling, informs on how to use data visualizations to achieve an edge on sales and breaks down the anatomy of a CMA, completed with a script for a successful listing presentation. Robertson even ends the book with findings from his company’s 2020 report on best practices for CMAs and listing presentations. Amassed from a survey completed by 3,325 participants, the report concludes that 67 per cent of respondents feel that CMAs are gaining more in relevance, as we look towards a tech-powered real estate future.

“There’s a way of using CMAs traditionally once you’ve acquired business – where you are sitting in front of a seller and you’re presenting this report – but people don’t look at it as them being a way to acquire business, to generate business. And that’s why I think there are people who want to read this book as a way of generating business, not just using in business you’ve already generated,” says Robertson.

“Think of your CMA presentation as a piece of sheet music. All the notes are there, but you are one who will create the music, build emotional connections and add the nuances and the artistry that makes for a truly memorable experience. Most agents won’t take the time to craft such a customer experience,” he writes in The Art of the CMA.

The book is available at Amazon and directly from the authors.

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Realtor Vivien Sharon writes the book on downsizing Fri, 05 Mar 2021 05:00:56 +0000 Write what you know, as the saying goes. So Vivien Sharon wrote all about downsizing in her recently published first book, The Boomer’s 7-Step Guide to Downsizing: overcoming fear and discovering freedom.

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Write what you know, as the saying goes. So Vivien Sharon wrote all about downsizing in her recently published first book, The Boomer’s 7-Step Guide to Downsizing: overcoming fear and discovering freedom.

Not only has Sharon been through the experience herself, but the author/broker with Sotheby’s International Realty Canada in Toronto has helped family, friends and clients through the downsizing process. She also has special training: she is one of only 30 Realtors in Canada to have earned the Pivotal Master Accredited Senior Designation from Pivotal Aging Innovations Inc., which trains agents working with older adults.

She had the idea for a book a few months before the pandemic hit, and the lockdown was the perfect time to harness her passion. She credits real estate coach John Toublaris for keeping her on track. He encouraged her to write the book, prompting her by providing timelines. The 146-page book was completed in 10 months and was published Dec. 1. Response has been good, with clients and colleagues downloading the free PDF.

The Boomer’s 7-Step Guide to Downsizing: overcoming fear and discovering freedom by Vivien Sharon

The Boomer’s 7-Step Guide to Downsizing: overcoming fear and discovering freedom by Vivien Sharon

The book is available from Amazon or as a Kobo ebook.

The thought of downsizing is daunting for many people. Sharon says people may have lived in their homes for decades and don’t know where to start. And because they haven’t been in the real estate market for years, the process, including paperwork, is very different than during their last experience.

Her book lets people know what to expect, step-by-step, in everyday language and with stories that make the process easy to understand. Chapters include the decision to downsize, selecting the right real estate professional, listing and marketing your home for sale, the offer process explained, downsizing success stories and celebrating your new life.

Sharon is determined to alleviate boomers’ concerns and make downsizing the positive experience it should be.

She has a team of professionals from declutters to real estate lawyers and movers to help every step of the way. The book is helpful for boomers, who may be helping their parents downsize, or for boomers’ children, who may be helping their parents downsize, she says.

Regardless of the reader, the guide is chock full of valuable, practical advice and real stories.

During the pandemic, some families are downsizing to urban areas within walking distance of amenities. Others are upsizing to larger spaces so their families can live under one roof. Others may move from one condo to another, opting for something with outdoor space. One of Sharon’s clients has a home with a pool but wanted to buy a Yorkville condo now. They purchased and will rent it out for a year, enjoying the pool for another summer and moving when the pandemic has passed.

Regardless of their situation, most boomers are faced with basements full of boxes, including toys belonging to their now 35-year-old children. There are roadblocks and Sharon says she works to calm their fears and help them through them so they can celebrate their new life.

There’s nothing better than to get advice from someone who has been through it and clients appreciate that. The experience has motivated her to want to ease other’s downsizing journey. She downsized from a home to a Yorkville condo and says she has never looked back.

Sharon says the book is her calling card and has gotten a lot of traction. She has been interviewed on many podcasts, a CHCH-TV morning show and by newspapers. She also has a Facebook Live show. She’s had a lot of recognition and she says it’s given her credibility in the industry.

Sharon says she loved writing the book and that her family and friends have been supportive and helpful. Don Kottick, president of Sotheby’s International Realty Canada “has been so supportive since the book has been released, as well as all the Ontario management team including Maureen O’Neill, Dianne Usher and Adrienne Lake,” she says.

Prior to her real estate career, which began nine years ago, she co-owned a property management company. She says she has wonderful mentors throughout the industry.

“I love what I do,” says the Yorkville/mid-Toronto centric agent. “I came to the business later in life and created a new career through discipline and hard work.”

She says she always wants to do something new and “keep moving forward” and hopes to help others to do the same.

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Realtor Bettianne Hedges explores the life almost lived in her novel Thu, 18 Feb 2021 05:00:28 +0000 Hamilton’s gentrification is one of the driving themes in Practise of Her Profession by Bettianne Hedges, broker at Keller Williams Edge Realty.

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“There is an energy to Hamilton and the city feels like it has made an intentional decision to reinvent itself but John is pessimistic about that. He hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon but insists there is nothing wrong with the old Hamilton. He worries about the impact of gentrification,” muses Kay Lange, a fictional character created by Bettianne Hedges, broker at Keller Williams Edge Realty, in her debut novel, Practise of Her Profession.

Practise of Her Profession by Bettianne Hedges, broker at Keller Williams Edge Realty

Hamilton’s gentrification is one of the driving themes in Hedges’ first self-published novel, where her protagonist Kay is a fine arts dealer, who Hedges describes, “has left her position and comfortable life in Montreal to establish a gallery in a beautiful building on the harbour in Hamilton, Ont.

“She went there for two reasons,” says Hedges. “Number one, to be close to her son who was studying at McMaster, but also because the opportunity became available for her to purchase her own gallery.”

Those who know Hedges will assume that her novel’s protagonist is an autobiographical rendering of herself. However, for general readers too, as one gets deeper into the book, Kay Lange’s character as an art gallery owner and a visual artist, with a deep concern for the ongoing gentrification in Hamilton and love for travel, seem to be drawn out of experiences more than just familiar to the author.

“We write what we know,” says Hedges. But Practise of her Profession is more than autobiographical. It is also about wanderlust. It’s about “the trajectory not taken, the life not lived, the choices not taken, and coming to a crossroads to take the different paths,” says Hedges.

The overlap with real estate is that her protagonist purchased a property sight unseen. It was recommended and she made the move. The book goes on to discuss the fallout of that decision and explore themes that are familiar to real estate. Such as how perhaps the municipality oversells an area, in terms of the future of a particular neighbourhood. “The opportunities in the area, the vision may (sometimes) be a little bit ahead of the reality,” says Hedges.

Gentrification has always been a big issue in real estate, says Hedges. Through her novel, she questions the notion of whether property developers are doing the best thing by gentrifying a neighbourhood. Realtors may have clients who feel they are doing something so good for a neighborhood or a city, but those already living there may not agree, she says.

She says that while there are no right or wrong answers to that dilemma, Realtors are hyper aware of both sides of the debate and how it effects their businesses.

Another important theme Hedges draws upon in her novel is that of cultural appropriation. While not a Realtor’s key concern, Hedges is passionate about calling out cultural appropriation, misrepresentation and the need for authentic celebration of Indigenous art and life. “It’s a book about art, art in our life, art in the lives of the community, and how we access a community through its art, how we learn to understand the history and the culture of a community through their visual art,” she says.

In a passage in the novel, Hedges writes, “A joke for you: It’s Halloween and a Canadian Indigenous man opens the door of his suburban home to a neighbourhood ‘trick or treater’. The kid is dressed in full headdress, a war bonnet and carrying a toy bow and arrow. The man at the door says, ‘What are you supposed to be?’ The kid says, ‘I’m an Indian Chief.’ The man nods. ‘Well, I’m a white man,’ and he grabs the kid’s candy. Kay could only laugh.”

While dealt with levity, Hedges cannot be more serious when she says, “Cultural appropriation is a big part of the visual arts in Canada, recognized especially in our indigenous community, and recognizing that when we celebrate something, what is the source of that? And ensuring that that is presented by someone who actually has ownership of the source of that creativity or that symbolism. I think we have a long way to go,” in doing so, says Hedges.

At 57, Hedges is in her 17th year as a Realtor. Until her early 40s she worked for non-profits, specifically in cultural management. But as work-life balance became more of a need, real estate seemed like the only profession that could allow her the time and means she needed to carry on her love for travel, visual arts and her writing pursuits. It helped that Hedges’ mother had a Realtor friend she looked up to as a teenager. “I admired how she was able to give so much of her time and still have this successful career,” says Hedges.

“That’s the wonderful thing about being a real estate. You can structure your time accordingly to follow these interests and give back to your community.”

Through her book, Hedges says she tries to replicate the same sense of discovery she feels and enjoys when working with her real estate clients.

“Being in Hamilton in the last 10 years, seeing the shift of people coming out of the Toronto urban centre, and discovering a place or rediscovering Hamilton,” she says are what makes the Practise of Her Profession as much about Hamilton as about Kay Lange.

Indeed, Hedges says that unwittingly she has made the city a powerful second protagonist in her book. Like her Hamilton-bound clients, Hedges’ novel exudes that “feeling of moving, and learning about a new place, learning about who they are in a new place, how will we change and adapt. That’s a big part of it,” she says.

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Valentina Tjan’s road to success: make it win-win Tue, 24 Nov 2020 05:00:23 +0000 Valentina Tjan, broker of record of Win-Win Realty in Toronto, recently wrote "The Best is Yet to Come: Real Life Journey to Riches to Inspire You to Wisdom and Wealth" about her experiences and the process she uses to get through troubled times.

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Valentina Tjan, broker of record of Win-Win Realty in Toronto, has been a Realtor since 1993 after working for several years as a nurse.  She recently wrote a book about her experiences and the process she uses to get through troubled times. The Best is Yet to Come: Real Life Journey to Riches to Inspire You to Wisdom and Wealth was launched in September.

There are three key takeaways from Tjan’s book. First, she stresses the importance of not obsessing too much about failures but learning from them and taking away the most positive thing you can. Second, Tjan feels that always being positive is a key. “Serve your clients cheerfully,” she says. The third principle comes from her own experience – 10 years ago she achieved her own personal financial freedom through buying income properties.

“You can attract abundance/money in your life: let money chase you instead of you chasing money,” she says. “Your clients will trust you explicitly when you are genuine in your dealings with them.”

Tjan’s book talks about making real estate (and life) into a win-win proposition. She embraces the power of positivity and seeing life as full of abundance.

“My glass is always half full, never half empty. Whenever the going gets tough, I reflect and pause, and then I get busy racking my brain about how to find the meaning or even the potential abundance at the end of the trial,” she writes. “The attitude of gratitude has definitely played a large part in my life journey. This win-win philosophy was the inspiration for my real estate brokerage, which I started in 2003. I have always applied this knowledge for all my transactions and it is the BEST way. I do not have to make one side lose, in order to benefit the other side. Both sides should experience the benefit, if and when the transaction can be called successful.”

Tjan starts her book with her life story, living in Indonesia and taking a leap of faith to go to England and work as a nurse. Her story continues through meeting her husband and coming to Canada to live and work as a nurse. Even early on she was interested in buying income properties and as she and her husband moved to bigger housing to accommodate their growing family, the Tjans for a time used their old properties as rental investments. A cutback in hours at the hospital prompted her to follow her dream of becoming a Realtor.

In her book she describes the process: “I started loving my real estate work better than my nursing job. I specialized in the financing aspect of difficult deals, and at that time, I registered myself as a mortgage agent, only for one year. I would pre-approve all my would-be buyers, and I ensured that they would be able to get the key to the property they chose. When there were some glitches a week or two prior to closing, such as their car loan having to be paid off, I had some private lenders I could go to, so that my clients were protected.”

Tjan says, “My book can help my fellow Realtors realize that being in this profession is indeed a privilege to be taken gratefully. It’s gratifying to serve clients with the most expensive investment in their lives. It’s (a) people business…you get to know them well during the process, then they reward you with their repeats and referrals if you genuinely helped them. The clients may become your good friends, too.”

Tjan’s book is available from – in paperback or Kindle format. She also offers a talk at any brokerage in the Greater Toronto Area with book signings when 10 books are pre-ordered.

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Michel Friedman shares his sales techniques in new book Fri, 06 Nov 2020 05:00:32 +0000 Toronto real estate veteran Michel Friedman recently published a sales techniques book titled STAR AGENT, The Path To 50+ Real Estate Transactions Per Year.

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Toronto real estate veteran Michel Friedman recently published a sales techniques book titled STAR AGENT, The Path To 50+ Real Estate Transactions Per Year.

STAR AGENT, The Path To 50+ Real Estate Transactions Per Year

STAR AGENT, The Path To 50+ Real Estate Transactions Per Year

The book was recently No. 1 in the hot new releases, real estate profession category on Amazon.

“The purpose of writing this book is to create a tool for you, the real estate practitioner who wants to increase your production and income and present tools to help you achieve that, in a comprehensive book that includes planning, techniques and strategies to guide you on how to reach 50+ real estate transactions per year,” says Friedman.

“It is my vision that you will use this book to build your systems and apply the strategies in your practice. That you will take this book every year to your favourite vacation place, read it again to refresh your memory, analyze your current business and set goals for the following year. That you will continuously refer to the book if you wish to add a technique or a method of doing business or to remind yourself of scripts.”

He says his goal is to show how to attain a large inventory of listings, how to sell those listings quickly and how to best negotiate to successfully conclude a deal and maximize profit.

In the book, “I present to you a wide range of techniques for doing business, and a wide range of scripts and objection handling to situations. My idea is that you have to be comfortable with the script or the handling of the objection and you can adjust my script suggestion to your level of comfort. This way, there is a better chance for the script or technique to be applied and used by you,” Friedman says.

Friedman has been working in the real estate industry for 30 years, selling real estate and managing large offices. He was also general manager of an international real estate franchise operation. During his career he has managed and taught thousands of Realtors, and has written several guest columns for REM.

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Jeffrey Kerr releases new edition of barrier free real estate book Mon, 17 Aug 2020 06:16:10 +0000 Broker Jeffrey Kerr of Re/Max Unique in Toronto has put his lockdown time to good use – he has just finished writing the second edition of his book, Barrier Free Real Estate: Achieving Freedom At Home.

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Broker Jeffrey Kerr of Re/Max Unique in Toronto has put his lockdown time to good use – he has just finished writing the second edition of his book, Barrier Free Real Estate: Achieving Freedom At Home.

Kerr, who has been a Realtor for 21 years and specializes in helping clients buy and sell barrier-free, accessible houses and condominiums, shares his knowledge and expertise so other agents can help their clients, and clients can help themselves. Being armed with knowledge and knowing what to look for is half the battle, he says.

The book outlines everything from a chapter titled The Big Picture to the smallest details that help the search for an accessible home or condo go more smoothly. It also tells readers how to assess their current space to see if modifications can be made so they can age in place, or to find a home that can be modified to suit their needs now and in years to come, says Kerr. He obtained his real estate license in 1999, became a broker in 2007 and has his Senior Real Estate Specialist and Accredited Senior Agent designations. He is also a regular columnist for Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.

“Eighty-five per cent of Canadians over 55 want to age in place, staying in their homes longer,” he says. It was a trend occurring before the pandemic, but has jumped to the top of the list, making his book even more timely.

“The pandemic has given us new realities – physically distancing and self-isolating, and people will start to re-think their current and future living arrangements. Aging in place will become a very attractive option for many going forward.

“Once concerns around COVID-19 in long-term care homes (became an issue) lots of people began re-evaluating their future housing. People want a safe space to live and isolate,” he says.

Kerr, left, with David Onley

Kerr, left, with David Onley

Kerr’s 154-page book presents information in a thorough and logical manner, beginning with a forward by David Onley, lieutenant governor of Ontario from 2007 to 2014. Kerr met Onley on several occasions and reached out to request he write the forward. After seeing an early copy, Kerr says Onley got back to him immediately, praising the book and calling it “brilliant.”

It will be included in the Politics of Disability course that Onley teaches at the University of Toronto.

The book is the “single most important resource a disabled person can acquire before venturing into the often daunting world of finding accessible housing,” Onley says.

Chapters include what to look for (or include) in a kitchen and bathroom to make it accessible. “It’s like taking a tour of an accessible home,” Kerr says.

“The pandemic has demonstrated the value and importance of having a safe and comfortable home you can live, work and thrive in. This is especially true for the over six million Canadians who have a disability and for the 23 per cent of Canadians who will be over the age of 65 by the year 2030. If you or someone you know is included in one of these categories, then this book is written for you,” Kerr says in the book.

Another chapter discusses the importance of the occupational therapist, who is an invaluable source for what the buyer’s needs are now and what they may be in five to 10 years in order for it to be their forever home.

Kerr also talks about The Accessibility Design Program by The Daniels Corporation. “They’re way ahead of the curve with accessible condos.”

His clients, who bought preconstruction in 2017, are slated for occupancy late this year and into 2021. Once people can see what the suites look like (they’re not institutional at all) there’s bound to be an uptick in interest, he says.

Downsizers who are thinking of moving into a condo can be thoughtful about what they’re buying now so they won’t have to move to find accessible accommodation.

The book also includes details about the Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s Home Modification Council, which it says supports many aspects of aging in place for Canada’s seniors and persons with disabilities and their caregivers. The council’s offerings include home modification training for renovators.

Kerr knew his first book, published in 2016, needed to be updated, but he could never find the time. The COVID-19 lockdown provided the perfect opportunity.

Barrier Free Real Estate: Achieving Freedom At Home is an invaluable resource for agents, as well as a great client gift. Kerr is also an invaluable resource for agents. He welcomes calls for advice and information. Visit his website or call him at 416-424-2222.

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