Comments on: Letter to the Editor: The ORWP is a long-awaited lifeline Canada’s premier magazine for real estate professionals. Fri, 04 Aug 2023 22:35:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karl Liu Fri, 04 Aug 2023 22:35:05 +0000 In reply to RE 4 the People.

How do you think you are going to get $750 benefits out of $600 payment?

Does your budget balance itself, too?

IF it is in fact like what you said, “puts more value than the cost back in everyone’s pockets”, how is the bar being raised at all when people are getting rewarded as you have suggested to enter into the profession in Ontario?

You contradicted yourself in the same short paragraph. Sometimes, the more you speak, the more mistakes you make. Take some time to process what you are trying to say and stress test your logic before you hit sent next time.

By: sabine nassar Fri, 04 Aug 2023 21:28:02 +0000 In reply to RE 4 the People.

Obviously some have not grabbed the concept that the opposition is NOT about money. Not at all. For some it creates life threatening decisions to possibly have to give up ones livelihood in order to be able to get life saving medication. For many others it’s the burden of juggling more than one plan. We are asked to pay ahead of time and then pay cash for whatever our expenses are and wait God knows how long to get reimbursed (for some expenses) . Only after that we can contact our REAL insurance to apply for coordinating benefits. There is so much more that is being ignored. I hope you will enjoy this miserable plan that doesn’t include neither dental nor vision.

By: Karl Liu Fri, 04 Aug 2023 21:15:20 +0000 In reply to RE 4 the people.

You have no details of someone else’ insurance coverage and detailed provision.

What make you confident of how their existing coverage will be affected???

Throwing popular words around didn’t make you sound intelligent at all.

By: Sara Forgie Fri, 04 Aug 2023 17:12:20 +0000 Hey Erin, Glad this works for you. A little disappointed that an adult with a family of 5 didn’t plan better for their future. I did. When I decided 16 years ago to go into Real Estate, I made sure my partner and I had benefits for our children and ourselves. I didn’t ask anyone else to chip in. And it irks me now that OREA, under the guise of benevolent socialism, is trying to guilt us into paying $600 more per year to help less fortunate Realtors. My family’s priorities are different from yours. We have a great life, love to travel and have worked hard for our home and the fun things we do. Why should I have to pay more to subsidize benefits for agents who work part-time? For agents who take 6 months off? For agents who own multiple properties? For agents who made a choice years ago NOT to organize a benefits program that looks after their family? It’s super annoying. And no, I won’t lose my current benefits with this less-than-mediocre package but it moves to first place and moving forward, instead of just flashing my card or providing a number, I will have to do more paperwork. So maybe I don’t lose coverage but it will certainly be more work for me. And that sucks, Erin. More money and more paperwork. OREA was sneaky with this. They were sneaky making this work for them and now, agents in Ontario don’t trust them. I’m pretty excited to watch this play out Erin, because a big change is happening in Ontario Real Estate right now. People are mad and I am sorry some of them hurt your feelings, but your article was pretty tone deaf and really punched up the propaganda that OREA has been shovelling. People are mad, Erin. You SHOULD have benefits. OREA SHOULD provide benefits (or something, am I right?) but people who don’t need them, should be able to opt out. That’s all we are asking for!

By: Janice Macaulay Fri, 04 Aug 2023 14:41:05 +0000 In reply to Ashley.

For all who want this plan, I have no can have it. However, if you do just a little homework you will find this plan really offers nothing beneficial! NO Dental, NO Vision minimal prescriptions. Oh, and DON’T live past the age of 65…you keep paying and get even less. If you want insurance, do like the rest of us do and GET YOUR OWN! Why and I forced to pay for your lack of responsibility to your own health!

By: RE 4 the People Thu, 03 Aug 2023 18:58:19 +0000 All this “we’ll that’s great for you but what about meeeeee” is the culmination of the unnecessary controversy here.

For a bunch of people that have griped for years about associations not doing enough to raise the bar of entry to real estate, it’s nothing short of amusing to see those same people now complaining about being forced to contribute to raising that bar. Especially when the way it’s raised *literally* puts more value than the cost back in everyone’s pockets.

It’s really gross. You all could really benefit from an additional $750 in calming massage in 2024 from the $600 you’re going to pay. Hopefully you make use of that, and that it helps induce a bit of a positive mindset.

By: RE 4 the people Thu, 03 Aug 2023 18:52:11 +0000 In reply to Jenn Johnson.

Your current coverage WILL NOT be affected in any way, shape or form.

Where did you get the idea that you will lose your current coverage? That’s entirely incorrect. Your current coverage stays as is. Unchanged.

This additional coverage could cover what your current does not, and/or will increase your caps in certain categories.

This is the kind of gross misinformation Asif is referring to.

By: Herb Pliwischkies Thu, 03 Aug 2023 16:10:41 +0000 You are causing so much turmoil in our industry. Stop this nonsense and give us the option.
I don’t care what it costs me to fight this. I’ve fortunately had a very successful 36 year career in the business. Wish we would have stayed the course with our Quinte and District board.
I’ve got an excellent personal Manulife extensive care and critical care policy for over 30 years now and your product is so inferior.
Thanks for creating such a divisive environment.

By: Catherine Kosyk Thu, 03 Aug 2023 15:26:00 +0000 In reply to Joanne Lysiak.

It’s interesting to read feedback from a Treb member who is in favour of the plan. For me, it illuminates a real issue with the organizational structure. As a non-Treb member I did not have the opportunity to vote for Toronto board members. I am not privy to correspondence, surveys from your board. I did however respond to my board who surveyed members and voted accordingly against the program as a mandatory ‘benefit’. What seems very clear to me now is that one board has full control of a provincial organization. Maybe this should be the headline moving forward. There are other issues that actually impact our work as realtors that should also be reviewed. The fact that it took an issue in which a few individuals are stepping into our personal choices as a nanny state to get the attention of members province-wide might just be the straw to divide the organization. We all lose.

By: Morag McLean Thu, 03 Aug 2023 14:06:58 +0000 In reply to sabine nassar.

Sabine Nasser..Agreed!
