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Women in real estate: Advancing diversity

Women in real estate: Advancing diversity

Given the renewed focus on empowering women over the last few years, we are reminded that the Canadian women’s suffrage movement occurred just over 100 years ago. That decades-long fight, advocating for fundamental rights and freedoms, resulted in the passing of long...
FIRE to hold investment conference for women

FIRE to hold investment conference for women

When she was writing her third book, Tahani Aburaneh, broker of record for Urban Living Realty in Kitchener, Ont. happened across a shocking statistic. She says 80 per cent of those who are poverty stricken are elderly women. She saw it as a sign and has made it her...
Single women a growing market force

Single women a growing market force

In our complex, modern world, women may be delaying marriage, but they are no longer waiting to find a significant other before purchasing real estate. In particular, they are zoning in on condos. How do female buyers influence design and, more importantly, demand? To...
In praise of the women in real estate

In praise of the women in real estate

Here’s why, in my opinion, women are better suited for real estate than we guys are. When the hit song I am Woman was made famous by Helen Reddy, it was at a time when women started taking larger roles in all phases of the business world. Fast forward to today, and in...